
Considered to have originated in northern India, Moringa is scientifically known as Moringa olifera and currently 13 species of Moringa have been found. 100 grams of drumstick leaves contain about the same amount of calcium as a glass of milk, the amount of vitamin C in an orange, the amount of iron in about 200 grams of beef, the amount of vitamin A in a carrot and the amount of protein in an egg. Also in traditional medicine, anemia, asthma, high blood pressure, fatigue, bronchitis, cholera, colitis, cough, diabetes, diarrhea, headache, worms, jaundice, obesity Drumsticks are also used medicinally for over 40 years. Drumsticks are common in some rural areas, but many are accustomed to buying more nutritious, more nutritious food items at lower prices on the market.

Scissor drumstick is a leafy vegetable that has the same properties as drumsticks. The main nutrient content of 100 g of them is given below.


Moringa leaves are fresh

100 g of dried and crushed leaves

100 g of scissor drumstick leaves

Protein (g)


20 – 26


Calcium (mg)


1600 – 1200


Iron (mg)


18 – 28


Vitamin A (micro gram)

As B carotene


4000 – 8000


Vitamin C (micro gram)


15 - 100



Drumstick leaves contain all the essential amino acids, making them ideal for vegetarians. It contains two essential amino acids, arginine and histidine, which are essential for the growth of babies and can be added to the baby's diet. Research in Senegal has found that adding drumstick leaves to the diet can help prevent maternal anemia, preterm birth and weight gain in children. Also, according to research conducted on Nicaraguan cattle, drumstick leaves are consumed in kilograms per day. The milk yield of dairy cows has been increased by 43% by 15-17 hrs. It is stated that giving 2 and 3 increased the weight by 58% and 60% and the weight of the cattle also increased by 32%.

In agriculture, the drumstick plant occupies a very high position. Can be used as a fertilizer as well as to reduce soil erosion. It is also used in fences, as an insecticide and fungicide, and in the manufacture of oils, lubricants, dyes, and cosmetics. Applying the hormone contained in the drumstick leaves to the crop will increase the yield of each crop. Applying 40 parts of water to one part of the juice obtained from the leaves of the drumsticks will increase the yield, increase the plant growth, increase the resistance to diseases and pests.

Moringa and scissors Moringa seeds can be easily planted. Drumstick cuttings up to 4-5 cm in diameter, about 1 m wide, can also be transplanted by submerging them in the soil three times, but the cuttings are not tolerant of drought, stunted growth, moth damage and death. The use of cuttings as planting material is not very successful. Cm. Can be planted in the field at intervals of 15 × 15 or 20 × 20. Cm for small scale cultivation. Planting at 50 × 100 intervals facilitates crop maintenance.

You can mix about a tablespoon of dried drumstick leaves with a small main course. The drumsticks can be separated from the small leaves, washed well, drained of water, and left in the sun for about 4 hours in a cover wrapped in transparent polythene. Or an oven can be used for this. The dried leaves are then crushed using a blender or mortar and sifted through a sieve. The powder can be stored in a 50 ˚C oven for 30 minutes, dried in the sun or in an airtight container.

It is not advisable to boil drumsticks or scissor drumsticks in excess as vitamin C is destroyed by heat. Boiling for 10 minutes destroys about half of the vitamin C in drumstick leaves. Lime or tomato can be added to absorb the iron easily. Vitamins A and E are soluble in fat, so you can easily get those vitamins by using a little oil when wiping the leaves. Due to the solubility of vitamins C and B in water, it is advisable to use a little water and wipe off the excess water without having to remove it.

Since it does not require much effort to maintain and can be easily grown even in urban areas, a few drumsticks and scissors can be easily grown in every home garden. Instead of synthetic fertilizers, well-decomposed manure can be used. Drumsticks and scissors contain 220 times and 169 times the amount of vitamin C found in the most expensive apples and grapes on the market, respectively, and more than three times the amount of iron in beef and spinach, which are popular foods containing iron. By planting such a nutritious and medicinal drumstick or scissor drumstick plant in your garden, you can easily provide a good nutritious leafy vegetable for the whole family at no cost.
